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For today, poker, certainly, is gambling number one all over the world. It has appeared in the Europe some centuries back and has quickly won set of admirers; however

Pokermodern game rules were established only in XIX century in America. There is a lot of versions of poker, but, differing in details, main principles of game always remain unchanged. Casino DILLINGER offers you the most interesting variants of this fascinating game.
Below are the most interesting facts about poker and card games.

1. The very first playing cards have been invented in 900 BC in Asia.
2. In 1480 in France card suits appeared. Hearts symbolized clergy, spades – nobility, diamonds – merchant class, and clubs – peasantry.
3, Nineteen presidents of the USA out of .forty three used to play poker.
4. In 14 century playing cards have been brought to the Europe.
5. It is considered, that the pack of cards has metaphysical value. So, 52 cards mean 52 weeks in a year, 4 suits – 4 seasons, 13 cards of each suit correspond to 13 phases of a lunar cycle. The sum of all values of cards in a pack is equal 364, and together with a joker – 365, and it makes a number of all days in a year.
6. About 70 mln Americans play poker. Every 3-rd plays on money.
7. Originally in poker there was only one round of trade.
8. The number of possible card combinations in poker is equal 2 598 960.
9. The hand 10-2 associates with Doyle Brunson (the #1 most influential force in the world of poker), and AK poker-players nicknamed Anna Kournikova because it seldom wins but looks pretty.

10. Currently more than 130 kinds of poker games exist in the world.
11. In 1937 they planned to enter the fifth suit, but because of the reason that a plenty of people should buy new packs, the idea has failed.
12. It is considered what to play poker in dirty clothes – to success. And if during game there is a dog in a room, on the contrary, a bad sign.
13. During landing Columbus in America, he and his people drew pictures on leafs picked from trees, and then used them as playing cards.
14. Phil Hellmuth is the owner of 11 bracelets WSOP, which World record amount of the bracelets won by one person for all history of poker so far.
15. The combination of cards consisting from АА88, refers to as " Dead man's hand»
according to a legend that it was the five-card-draw hand held by Wild Bill Hickok (by nickname “Wild Bill”, when he was murdered on 1876, in Saloon No. 10 at Deadwood, South Dakota.
16. Some time ago the most senior card “King” was considered, and Ace was the weakest card in a pack.
17.The biggest prize in poker is $12,000,000 won by Jamie Gold in WSOP Main Event in 2006.

18. Four kings in a pack personify the most well-known governors of the world: Gaius Julius Caesar (July 100 BC – 15 March 44 BC) — the king of diamonds, King David (1040–970 BC) — the king of spades, Alexander the Great — the king of clubs, and King Charles the First (1600-1649) — the king of hearts.
19. Poker occupies a honorable 3 place by amount in TV ratings related to sports and games, the first place occupies football, and the second – rally.