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Cybercriminals have already created shadow Internet (dark-net, dark-web) with various anonymous services. It can be accessed only by...

knowing the special passwords and web-resources. Experts from Kaspersky Lab consider that it will eat the Internet we are used to and dark-web will stay as the only resource  in the global World Wide Web (WWW) in a few years. A legal Internet space will be split into segments for individual countries.
Until recently, such a closed network was only in China, but today a number of countries, including Russia, have adopted or are considering laws to prohibit the use of foreign services in some cases. Given the continued growth and sophistication of threats on the web these aspirations will only grow, and legal restrictions will inevitably lead to technical prohibitions, experts predict.

As for Bitcoin, the rate of the "coins", which you can pay for hosting, online gambling, buy adult videos via the Web, has already reached thousand dollars in 2013. Some experts do not exclude that it can rise up to 2-3 thousand (and even 40000) USD. But Kaspersky Lab’s analysts warn: unstable situation around the currency may lead to a rapid collapse of Bitcoin.

A lot malicious programs that specialize in stealing Bitcoin wallets have emerged. Kaspersky Lab experts have indicated increasing number of attacks on Bitcoin exchange web-resources. This is getting more dangerous along with existing trend the "coin" is getting more and more popular. Now this could be definitely explained by a game largely on speculation. But in the future, the currency may well take its place as a popular payment mean  on the Internet, and as a mean of investment (Bitcoin is much closer to gold than to U.S. dollar), and as a mean of liquid assets, especially for developing countries. " Bitcoin is not regulated by any financial institution in the world. And if a sharp increase in currency popularity and importance, will threaten the U.S. financial system (I personally don’t think it could ever happen) they will try to legally restrict access to it, and this will knockout Bitcoin. New rules in China restrict Bitcoin exchange for local currency which caused lowering its exchange rate. The European Banking Authority has warned consumers that Bitcoin lacks protections and  can be stolen and chargebacks are impossible.