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Experts of the International Organization of Work and the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development predict, that already in following year a number of the developed and developing countries will face

with shaft of unemployment and "catastrophic deficiency" of workplaces. In the report experts call the governments to take radical measures for struggle against unemployment.

From the beginning of global financial and economic crisis in 2008 the developing and developed countries have lost 20 million workplaces. And up to the end of the next year 20 million more can be lost.  As some experts confirm, the number of unemployed in the world has reached 200 millions. .

Thus present rates of growth of employment in the leading countries of the world are insufficient. In "G 20" the gain makes nearby 1 % a year while it is necessary to provide increase in number of workplaces minimum 1,3 % in the nearest four years.

However authors of the report doubt that such figures are achievable, specifying, that a gain of number of workplaces in India and China are directly connected with loss of those in the Western countries. Europe faces especially difficult situation. While Germany rather successfully copes with unemployment the second economy of the Eurozone, France, is in a uneasy situation.

It is necessary to act immediately and to stimulate process of a gain of workplaces, to compensate losses. Stabilization of an occupation level of the population should become a priority of macroeconomic policy", — authors of the report write.

The special place occupies occurrence "unnecessary people" as a result of chronic unemployment. Mainly, these are young men who first lose work at staff reduction. For example, in Italy each second unemployed cannot find work of more then a year, in Southern Africa — two from everyone three. Authors specify that youth unemployment grows in 15 countries from 20.

Also authors of the report consider necessary for the states — members of the G-20 to raise a level of social security of own population and pay attention to negative forecasts of the economists declaring an opportunity of approach of the second wave of crisis in 2012. Creation of employment should become the main macroeconomic priority.

The fact which should guard all the states is the national wave of protests which have begun in Africa, then strike Europe and have found the roots in the USA in the form of increasing event - Occupy Wall Street Movement.