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Homosexuality In India

Source: The Georgian Times. January 18, 2010.

Dr Paul Cameron once declared at the annual Psychological Association meeting: "how can we justify shouting about the harm tobacco does and justifying homosexuality? Smoking shortens life by 7 years on average and homosexuality 24 years. According to research conducted between 1990 and 2002, heterosexual men live on average 72 years. In Denmark and Norway they live to 77, whereas homosexuals live to the age of 51 in Denmark and 52 in Norway. In Denmark heterosexual women live to 78 on average, lesbians to 56, and in Norway the corresponding figures are 81 and 56. The influence of single sex relations on vital resources is rather strong. This is why we must warn children from school onwards about the harmfulness of homosexuality even more than that of smoking."