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Scientists assure us that the treasure of about $ 900 billions worth is hidden world over. The treasure hunters have a lot of digging to do. Here is a very incomplete list of unfounded legendary treasures.

 The Library Of Ivan The Terrible

Ivan the TerribleAccording to the researchers, the noted library of Ivan the Terrible, still unfounded today, comprised a small portion of the Tsar's treasure.

The old Greek and Latin manuscripts were the greatest asset of this library. Princess Sofia saw those books in the Kremlin underground in 1682. In 1997 a special commission was set up by the Moscow government to locate the library but all in vain.

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The Makena Gold

According to the experts, in the State of Utah, along the White Mountain situated near the Kanab City, runs a closed canyon replete with gold. It is presumably a lost mine of the first Spanish colonists. For 450 years the exact whereabouts of the gold canyon has remained unknown. The canyon hides $10 billions worth of gold.

The Treasure Island

The island depicted in Stevenson's novel is actually called the Coco Island. Nobody has ever seen the treasure buried there. They say that the human-sized statue of the Mother of God brought from Peru, adorned with pure gold, emerald and pearls is buried there. It's also said that there are about 50 trunks decorated with large topazes, full of 9000 Mexican golden coins.

The Inca Treasure

For about four centuries every nook and cranny of the former Inca Empire - ancient Peruvian mines, high valleys, neglected caves and graveyards - have been searched for treasure. As the legend has it, Spanish conqueror Pizarro demanded a huge ransom for the freedom of Inca emperor Atahualpa: in two months the cellar where Atahualpa was kept prisoner was to be filled with the treasure. The area was about 50 The Incas started to collect the ransom. The precious metal contributions grew day by day. As the deadline came the cellar wasn't full yet. Despite Atahualpa's assurance that the ransom would be fully paid in several days, Pizzaro ordered the Inca emperor to be killed. The Incas heard about their emperor's death when they were driving 11 thousand llamas loaded with treasure.


The Treasure Of Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan took all his wealth with him to the grave. The last witnesses of his burial place were killed according to Genghis Khan's will. The only thing known to us is that the ruthless ruler of the Mongols is buried in the Avraga region. This information was far from sufficient to find his grave.

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The Treasure Of Templars

The treasure of the 'Poor Soldiers of Christ' (that's how the Templars called themselves) was guarded at the Templars' Church near Paris. Nobody could imagine that any human being could penetrate the fortress and get the treasure. The Templars themselves were believed to be invincible. However, the stone walls didn't protect and save them. Philip the Fair, the king of France accused the Order members and their Grand Master of heresy and sacrilege and captured and executed them. To Philip's astonishment the Templars' treasury was almost empty - precautious 'Soldiers of Christ' had hidden their treasure somewhere else. Till today nothing is known about the whereabouts of that place.