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We know that almost everything is connected to politics. But when it comes to beauty, it becomes too complicated and hidden. But we have exceptions to the rule: just recall Anna Elena Staller

Ukrainian feminist group FEMENwho successfully combined making of hard core pornographic films with political activity and singing.

There are also less directly connected to the big politics activities which also utilize beauty features. Look at this extremely attractive young lady who was actively involved in political campaign.

The message of the campaign contains the ideas that the candidate wants to share with the voters and the idea is just to stuck the names or other information into watchers mind. The message often consists of several talking points about policy issues. The points summarize the main ideas of the campaign and are repeated frequently in order to create a lasting impression with the voters. And in this particular case the show was carried out in different places of the capital of Ukraine – Kyiv by attractive young girl – Taya Tischenko.

In many elections, the opposition party will try to get the candidate "off message" by bringing up policy or personal questions that are not related to the talking points. Most campaigns prefer to keep the message broad in order to attract the most potential voters. A message that is too narrow can alienate voters or slow the candidate down with explaining details. But that was not the case. If the message is crafted carefully, and you can see on the photos, that the message in Russian is laconic and contains the name of candidate.

Ukrainian feminist group FEMENIn my view – I this particular case the lady is nice and propaganda is quite effective.
And what do you think?