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Albert Einstein was the magnificent physicist. He has discovered many physical laws and was ahead of many scientists of time. But

people name his genius not only for it. Professor Einstein was the philosopher who clearly understood laws of success, and explained them as well, like equations. Here ten citations from the huge list of his remarkable statements. Ten gold lessons which you can use in the daily life

Albert Einstein1. The person who never was mistaken, never tried to make something new.

The majority of people does not try to do anything new because of fear to be mistaken. But it is not necessary to be afraid of it. Frequently the person who has suffered defeat, learns how to win more, than those to whom the success comes at once.

2. Education is that remains after when you forget everything that learned at school.

In 30 years you absolutely precisely will forget everything, that you had to study at school and university. What you have learned yourself will be remembered only.

3. In the imagination I am free to draw as the artist. The imagination is more important than knowledge. The knowledge is limited. The imagination covers all world.

When you understand how much far mankind has promoted since cave times, force of imagination is felt in full scale. Everything we have now, is achieved by means of imagination of our great-grandfathers. Everything we will be having in the future will be constructed by means of our imagination.


4. The secret of creativity consists in skill to hide sources of the inspiration.

Uniqueness of your creativity frequently depends on that, how much well you are able to hide the sources. Other great people can inspire you, but if you are in a position when all world looks at you, your ideas should look unique.

5. Value of the person should be defined by that he gives out, instead of what he is capable to achieve. Try to become not successful, but the valuable person.

If to look at world famous people you can see, that each of them has given something to this world. It is necessary to give up to have an opportunity to take. When your purpose becomes increase in values in the world, you rise on a next higher level of living.

6. There are two ways to live: you can live as if miracles do not happen also you can live as if all in this world is miracle.

If to live, as if anything in this world is not miracle you can do everything you want and you will not face obstacles. If to live so as if all is miracle you can enjoy even the smallest displays of beauty in this world. If to live simultaneously in two ways your life will be happy and productive.

7. When I investigate myself and the way I used to think, I come to conclusion, that the gift of imagination and fantasy meant for me more, than any abilities of abstract thinking.

Dreams of everything that you could achieve in a life, is an important element of a positive life. Allow your imagination to wander and create freely the world in which you would like to live.

8. To become a faultless member of herd of sheeps, it is necessary to be a sheep first of all.

If you wish to become successful businessman, it is necessary to start to be engaged in business right now. To wish to begin, but to be afraid of consequences, the way to nowhere. It is fair also in other areas of life: to win, first of all it is necessary to play.

9. It is necessary to learn game rules. And then, it is necessary to start to play best.

Learn rules and play best. As simple, as all ingenious.

10. It is very important to ask questions non-stop. Curiosity is not casually given to human being.

Clever people always ask questions. Question yourself and also other people to find the decision. It will allow you to find out novelty and to analyze your own growth.