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By unwritten rules young lady has not to inform you on the feelings. Though it is not so obligatory to make direct offers and to throw the arms round man’s neck, speaking «I love you».

In a modern society these three cherished words have lost the magic force, such declaration of love can sound banal or even insincere, and if relations were only just fastened, this will spoil everything. There are a lot of ways to tell about the feelings below are the "hot" ten.

1. Smile! And smile so that he would felt that this smile is addressed to him. This trick is the most effective when you appear in a big company.

2. Always attentively listen to him. Everything, what he tells is madly interesting, don’t you think so? And never, never interrupt him, even if you know in advance, what he is going to say.

3. Laugh at any, even the most bearded jokes if they are told by him. Even if your friend completely lacks the sense nevertheless you should laugh.

4. Always make as many inquires about him as you can invent. The more the better. The topics could be about the childhood, his favourite toys in early childhood, from what age he remembers himself, when he has fallen in love the first time and what was her name. Similar simple psychoanalytic researches usually achieve the necessary result.

5. By the way, you can ask to show his photos when he was a child. You should immediately and firmly inform him that you’ve never seen more charming baby.

 6. Certainly, you should be well informed about his all interests even if till now you were absolutely indifferent to football, to a bridge or quotations of securities... It seems, time has come to become interested in rules of these games! 

7. Try not to argue with him - even at the beginning! The true in your dispute could possibly fail to born, but nuclear of feeling could be evaporated.

8. Don’t be afraid of him - he is afraid of you. First of all, don’t be afraid of showing the initiative. In fact you wait attention from him to yourselves - so why wouldn’t treat him accordingly? Invite him to you favorite small restaurant. 9. Don’t be afraid to give him gifts. It would be better your gift is unexpected. The warm scarf knitted by you, or a poem composed by you. A coin with a hole - fortunately. Your photo - certainly, the best.

10. Your skill to accept his gifts is also very important. In no way set it as something that goes without saying. Show him, that each present for you is a miracle, as in fact it should be in reality!